The Ypres Salient East

The Ypres Salient East: from Langemark to the Menin Road




Menin Gate, Hell Fire Corner, Sanctuary Wood, Westhoek and Bellewaerde Ridge, Geluveld, Reutel, Polderhoek Château, Black Watch Corner, Polygon Wood, Broodseinde Ridge, Passendale, Tyne Cot Cemetery, ‘s Graventafel, St Julian (the Brooding Soldier), the German Cemetery of Langemark, the Steenbeek and Essex Farm Cemetery


The guiding tour takes 4 hours and starts at 0900 or 1400.


  • For 1 person: €55, with a minimum of 2 persons. For groups of more than 4 persons we make a specific offer. Entrance fees are not included.



  • The Salient East and South can easily be combined. You can also do these 2 tours in 2 days.