Ypres town in the Great War and the reconstruction

Ypres town in the Great War and the reconstruction





The belfry and cloth hall, Saint Martin’s Church and the Lapidary (Zone de Silence), Maison Froidure, Au Jardin Public, the Barakje (Slachthuisstraat), the live stock market and the Minneplein, the Elverdingestraat en de Saint George Memorial Church, het Saint Martin’s Monastery and the Theatre, the Meat Hall, the Market Square and the Meningate, the remparts and Lille Gate with Lille Gate Ramparts Cemetery


This walk gives an answer to the following questions; How far is the Great War still present in  Ypres of today? How did happen the reconstruction after the war and how did they respect the rich patrimonium?




  • This walk takes 3 hours and starts at 0900 or 1400. It can also be added to a visit to the In Flanders Fields Museum.


  • For 1 person: €55, with a minimum of 2 persons. For groups of more than 4 persons we make a specific offer. Entrance fees are not included.